Master Low-Level Design: The Ultimate Guide to UML Class Diagrams

Mukul Jha
5 min readOct 5, 2024

A class diagram is one of the most commonly used diagrams in UML (Unified Modeling Language). This is a type of structural diagram.

It provides a detailed view of the system by showing its classes, their attributes, methods (operations), and the relationships among the objects.

A class diagram serves as the blueprint for object-oriented design and implementation.

Components of a Class Diagram

1. Classes

A class is the building block of a class diagram. It represents a blueprint or a template for creating objects.

Structure of a Class: A class in a class diagram is represented as a rectangle divided into three compartments:

  • Class Name: The name of the class (mandatory).
  • Attributes: They are class variables (also called fields or properties). Each attribute has a name and type, and you can define its visibility.
  • Methods(Operations): They represent the behaviors of a class. Each method may have parameters and return values.

