RabbitMQ Exchange Types

6 min readDec 24, 2022

RabbitMQ can scale up to around 50,000 messages per second.

It is less than Apache Kafka and Redis Pub/Sub. But there are some advantages of rabbitMQ over these two.

You can’t schedule messages in Apache Kafka and Redis Pub/Sub.

Message scheduling was a major use case, so I used rabbitMQ over Kafka and Redis.

Let’s deep dive into RabbitMQ.

You can’t publish messages directly to the queue.

Queue binds to the exchange.

Queue recoring_queue bind with exchange video.direct.exchange

You have to publish messages to exchange and exchange push messages to respective queues.

Exchange: Exchanges take a message and route it into zero or more queues. The routing algorithm used depends on the exchange type and rules called bindings.

There are various types of exchange types.

  1. Direct Exchange: A direct exchange delivers messages to queues based on the message routing key.

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